May 19, 2011

Sunday Inserts...

this entry is to show how i currently sort and file the inserts and coupons in the sunday paper...

on sundays i usually buy 5 newspapers...
if there are several coupons i will definitely use, some i will probably use, and i can afford to... i will buy more...

first i sort the flyers i will use and the inserts...

i file the flyers in my accordian...
keeping all copies if they have store coupons in them...
and i put all the inserts together by type...

i lay out all the copies of one type...


then i pull all the covers off and put them together...

i put the same pages together inside the cover...
this makes it easier for me to find all of a certain coupon later...

while i am collatin the pages, i pull out any pages with no coupons on them...
no sense savin stuff i won't need or use...

once my inserts are all collated, i go thru them and cut out only the coupons i am pretty sure i will use if there is a sale...

here is the first insert with the coupons i cut out of it...

after i have went thru all that weeks inserts...

i write the date on the corner of the inserts and put them in the accordian behind the correspondin month...

then i sort the coupons into the categories i have in my binder...
this seems easier to me than flippin back n forth puttin away unsorted coupons...

the front coupon for each pocket i highlight the date using different colors for each month...
i made a chart that i keep in the front of the binder remind me what color is what month...

after foldin the coupons so i can see the item, amount and expiration date... i put them into the card/photo pages ...

that is how i do the sunday inserts   :)

How I Store My Coupons...

my sis R. is wantin to coupon, so i am showin what i do to help her get started...
this is my binder bag and accordian file...
these two things are where i store my coupons...

my accordian has room for my inserts that i file by month...
and this weeks flyers for the stores...

my bag holds my binder, pen, highlighters, scissors, a variety of paper cutters i am tryin out...
and my binder   :)

my binder has many pockets and zips closed...

inside the binder i use tabs to divide it into categories...
i put coupons into the categories by putting them into baseball card or photo holder pages...

on the front cover is a list of categories that i printed out with the number and color of the tab...
there is also the color chart for the expiration date highlights...
i highlight the date using the color chart so i can more easily check for expiring coupons...

inside each category, i use the card/pic holders to put my cut coupons in alphabetical order...
i put the multiple coupons together in one pocket, folded so i can see the item, amount and expiration date...
i sometimes write the info i need on the front coupon in a clear area where i can see it...
the front coupon is also highlighted with the expiration date color...

some categories i have subdivided...
like my personal stuff has toothcare, shampoo/conditioner/body wash, and razors/deodorants...
between the subcategories i put a piece of black paper...

and that is how i am currently storing my coupons :)